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On this page, press reports on this website

• Inselradio - 05. September 2011

   The interview in the morning show:


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• Mallorca Magazin - 03. March 2011

   The tower collector by Gabriele Kunze:

Jens Händel has an unusual hobby. He "collects" watchtowers. The 42-year-old office administrator from Uelzen has specially created for a website: www.mallorca-torres.de...

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• Mallorca Ambiente - April 2010

   Mallorca Torres by Jens Händel:

Mallorca Torres (also Atalaya or Talaya) witnesses of the tumultuous history of Mallorca. When at the beginning of the 16th cent. pirates discovered the island as a lucrative attack target, the inhabitants came up with a brilliant idea...

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• Mallorca Zeitung - 11. December 2008

   The "Lord of the towers" and his trip to the Middle Ages by Frank Feldmeier:

It was in Mallorca vacation seven years ago, when Jens Handel grabbed the passion for collecting. Where others only crumbling and stone facades on the coast of Mallorca saw, ran in front of the inner eye of the Germans from a film...

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